> While looking over the old remaining bugs reported against iproute in
> Debian I came across http://bugs.debian.org/394780 which has also been
> reported as http://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=7398 (please
> see the old comments here).
> [...]
> The bugs last comment was from Pierre asking about a patch he
> provided:
> > I am sorry, I didn't mean to break anything... What about a sysctl
> > option, to give the user the possibility to disable the hack? See
> > attached patch. I can't really see any drawback to that. Please
> > review and consider re-opening the bug.

This patch just by-passes the hack altogether. I haven't looked into the
details of what the hack does, nor do I know about vic or vat, so this
patch may not be the optimal solution. Anyway, I used it on my box, and
it did do the trick.

There must be other people who stumbled across this quirk. At the very
least, it should be clearly documented, where a sysadmin setting up
multicast streaming would find it.

Pierre Ynard
For hire - http://www.linkfanel.net/resume.pdf
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