On Sun, 23 Dec 2007 13:06:55 +0100 Xavier Brochard

> Le Sat, 22 Dec 2007 22:55:49 -0700,
> Hubert Chathi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> a écrit :
> > > I run "debugapp GNUMail", here's the backtrace:
> > > 
> > > Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
> > > [Switching to Thread 0x2b4872732e90 (LWP 8190)]
> > > 0x00002b486fd16007 in objc_msg_lookup ()
> > > from /usr/lib/libobjc.so.2
> > 
> > Is there any more to the backtrace, or is that it?
> I'm not a specialist, may be I shouldn't quit gdb after that, or
> instruct gdb to do something (what ?)?  
> The beginning says "no debugging symbol found" multiple times. 

Typing "bt" will give a full backtrace.

> > > (See also message #27 in bug 390411)
> > 
> > Did you try removing the PGP bundle as suggested in the last message
> > of that bug?
> Sorry! it's so stupid.
> I didn't find the PGP bundle in  /usr/lib/GNUstep/System/Library/
> I remove the /usr/lib/GNUstep/ApplicationSupport/GNUMail/PGP.bundle
> and it works now. 

OK, can you try one more thing?  Can you install libgnustep-base1.14,
gnustep-base-common, and gnustep-base-runtime from the experimental
distribution ("deb http://<your debian mirror>/debian experimental
main").  Reinstall the gnumail package, and keep the PGP bundle
installed.  And see if it still crashes.

> BTW: there was a missing dependencie on gnustep-make, gnumail
> can't run without it. 

Hmm.... that shouldn't happen.  Did it give any error message when you
tried to run it without gnustep-make?

Hubert Chathi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -- Jabber: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
PGP/GnuPG key: 1024D/124B61FA         http://www.uhoreg.ca/
Fingerprint: 96C5 012F 5F74 A5F7 1FF7  5291 AF29 C719 124B 61FA

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