On Wed, Jan 02, 2008 at 03:52:17PM -0000, Regis Boudin wrote:
> On Sat, December 15, 2007 11:42, Richard Atterer wrote:
> > Having tried to create a program using both libwww and libcurl, I can 
> > say that libcurl is _much_ better in every aspect. These days, libcurl 
> > can even do HTTP pipelining, which was only supported by libwww for a 
> > long time.
> OK, the good news is, upstream reacted very positively to my suggestion to
> switch to libcurl.

That's great! TBH, I'm not too surprised, libwww _is_ difficult to get to 
work at times.

> One thing I'm not sure about yet is how to handle WebDAV with it.
> Not much of a problem for me at the moment anyway,
> considering the feature is disabled in both libwww and Amaya...

WebDAV support is raised on the libcurl mailing list from time to time. 
Curl doesn't directly support WebDAV, but you can generate quite arbitrary 
HTTP-like requests with it, including overwriting the request method with 
e.g. MKCOL rather than GET/POST. So it should be possible to get it to 

Alternatively, WebDAV support could be added to curl. Having hacked libcurl 
on several occasions, I can say that its code is quite beautiful and fun to 
work with, in contrast to libwww... Well, or look at libneon.

> mapserver is actually a false positive, they switched to libcurl ages ago,
> bug filed. Seems to be the case with xdvik-ja too. Which only leaves :
> amaya
> liboop (reverse b-dep are lsh-utils, and ruli)
> wmweather+
> xmlrpc-c (reverse b-dep are libapache2-mod-xmlrpc2, openser, and rtorrent)
> As I wrote previously, I will be happy to take over maintainership until 
> it can be actually removed. How do you want me to handle this ? Simply 
> make an upload setting myself as new maintainer ?

Yes, feel free to take over maintainership this way! (Close this bug with 
the upload if you do plan to take it over permanently, and not only until 
Amaya has moved to libcurl.)

BTW, if you keep the package in the archive, consider getting rid of the 
non-SSL versions. I introduced them because of possible license 
incompatibilities between any GPL packages and OpenSSL, but last time I 
checked (=a long time ago!;-), there weren't actually any such problems 
with the current depends in the Debian archive.



  __   _
  |_) /|  Richard Atterer
  | \/¯|  http://atterer.net
  ¯ '` ¯

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