Kartik Mistry wrote: > recoll is now installable in i386. As libgcc1 version 1:4.3-20080102-1 > is now in i386. > http://packages.debian.org/search?keywords=libgcc1&searchon=names&suite=all§ion=all&sourceid=mozilla-search
OK, that probably means it will transition to unstable also for other arches. No problem. [I've just looked and it seems it will take some time, as it FTBS on all arches] > What should I do to fix this bug? I mean how to specify in > debian/control. Sorry for lame question :) That is no lame question, but rather a tricky one. The libgcc1 versioned dependency gets automatically pulled in by ${shlibs:Depends} in the Depends field. That just means that whoever built the uploaded amd64 version of the binary did so with an experimental build machine. This is bad. The real way to fix that, I think, would be to ask for a binNMU for the package, for the problematic arches (only amd64, I think). As to how to ask that, I don't have the slightest idea ;-)... But, then, if 4.3 goes to unstable, no harm is done apart from delaying the update, so don't bother. Cheers, Vincent -- Vincent Fourmond, Debian Developer http://vince-debian.blogspot.com/ -- pretty boring signature, isn't it ? -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]