Package: cupsys
Version: 1.3.5-1
Severity: normal

--- Please enter the report below this line. ---


I recently did a fresh reinstall of cupssys. Now, when I try to use the
web interface, a line of garbage is printed next to 'DefaultAuthType'
after I try to apply the changes. As a result, cups fails to restart.

I've attached the original and modified versions.

Best Regards,

 --- System
information. --- Architecture: i386 Kernel:       Linux

Debian Release: lenny/sid
  500 unstable 
  500 unstable 
    1 experimental 

--- Package information. ---
Depends                             (Version) | Installed
adduser                                       | 3.105
cupsys-common                                 | 1.3.5-1
debconf                           (>= 1.2.9)  | 1.5.17
 OR debconf-2.0                               | 
ghostscript                                   | 8.61.dfsg.1~svn8187-3
 OR gs-esp                                    | 8.61.dfsg.1~svn8187-3
libavahi-compat-libdnssd1         (>= 0.6.13) | 0.6.22-1
libc6                              (>= 2.7-1) | 2.7-5
libcupsimage2                      (>= 1.3.0) | 1.3.5-1
libcupsys2                         (>= 1.3.4) | 1.3.5-1
libdbus-1-3                        (>= 1.1.1) | 1.1.2-1
libgnutls13                      (>= 2.0.4-0) | 2.0.4-1
libkrb53                      (>= 1.6.dfsg.2) | 1.6.dfsg.3~beta1-2
libldap2                        (>= 2.1.17-1) | 2.1.30.dfsg-13.5
libpam0g                        (>= |
libpaper1                                     | 1.1.23
libslp1                                       | 1.2.1-7.1
lsb-base                               (>= 3) | 3.1-24
perl-modules                                  | 5.8.8-12
poppler-utils                                 | 0.6.2-1
 OR xpdf-utils                                | 
procps                                        | 1:3.2.7-5
ssl-cert                          (>= 1.0.11) | 1.0.14

LogLevel warning
SystemGroup lpadmin
# Only listen for connections from the local machine.
Listen localhost:631
Listen /var/run/cups/cups.sock
# Show shared printers on the local network.
Browsing On
BrowseOrder allow,deny
BrowseAllow all
DefaultAuthType Basic
<Location />
  Allow localhost
  Allow localhost
  # Restrict access to the server...
  Order allow,deny
  Allow localhost
<Location /admin>
  Allow localhost
  Allow localhost
  # Restrict access to the admin pages...
  Order allow,deny
  Allow localhost
<Location /admin/conf>
  AuthType Default
  Require user @SYSTEM
  Allow localhost
  Allow localhost
  # Restrict access to the configuration files...
  Order allow,deny
  Allow localhost
<Policy default>
  <Limit Send-Document Send-URI Hold-Job Release-Job Restart-Job Purge-Jobs 
Set-Job-Attributes Create-Job-Subscription Renew-Subscription 
Cancel-Subscription Get-Notifications Reprocess-Job Cancel-Current-Job 
Suspend-Current-Job Resume-Job CUPS-Move-Job>
    Require user @OWNER @SYSTEM
    Order deny,allow
  <Limit CUPS-Add-Modify-Printer CUPS-Delete-Printer CUPS-Add-Modify-Class 
CUPS-Delete-Class CUPS-Set-Default>
    AuthType Default
    Require user @SYSTEM
    Order deny,allow
  <Limit Pause-Printer Resume-Printer Enable-Printer Disable-Printer 
Pause-Printer-After-Current-Job Hold-New-Jobs Release-Held-New-Jobs 
Deactivate-Printer Activate-Printer Restart-Printer Shutdown-Printer 
Startup-Printer Promote-Job Schedule-Job-After CUPS-Accept-Jobs 
    AuthType Default
    Require user @SYSTEM
    Order deny,allow
  <Limit Cancel-Job CUPS-Authenticate-Job>
    Require user @OWNER @SYSTEM
    Order deny,allow
  <Limit All>
    Order deny,allow

Attachment: cupsd.conf
Description: Binary data

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