Package: inkscape Version: 0.44.1-1 Hi,
I'm not sure if this is really a bug in inkscape, but it seems so to me. My example for reproduction is this: Generate a postscript document with an Helvetica R in it, like e.g. the following tex file does (latex $file.tex; dvips $file.dvi), convert it to svg (pstoedit -f plot-svg $ > $file.svg), and compare the look alike of the R between any postscript viewer and gimp on the one side, and inkscape. The correct Helvetica R consists on the right lower side of an partly straight down line, compared with an Arial R which consists of an diagonal line. Evince or Ghostview display the correct R from the ps-file here, inkscape shows and exports it wrong. (The png files are exported from gimp directly from the postscript format, and from via inkscape - in the second case I also zoomed the R but that shouldn't matter for our purpose.) Cheers, Andi
\documentclass{scrartcl} \begin{document} \def\familydefault{phv} \pagestyle{empty} \normalfont\LARGE R \end{document}
Description: PostScript document
<<attachment: test.svg>>
<<attachment: test-inkscape.png>>
<<attachment: test-gimp.png>>