On Tue, 08 Jan 2008 15:47:15 +0100, Gilles LAMIRAL wrote:

> imapsync doesn't work with Mail::IMAPClient 3.xx
> imapsync   works fine with Mail::IMAPClient 2.2.9
> See also http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=458501
I haven't taken a deeper look into the code, but what's wrong with
adapting imapsync to work with Mail::IMAPClient 3.x? There's even a
patch in the bugreport you quote.

And I still fail to see what _exactly_ is wrong in the new version of
Mail::IMAPClient. The upstream author is very responsive but I guess
"my application doesn't work anymore" is not enough to make him
change the code.

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