On Wed, Jan 09, 2008 at 07:23:10PM -0500, Matt Swift wrote:

> Yes, and as I alluded in mail just sent, a recursion loop seems
> possible with "dns proxy=yes" as well, unless that check is not going
> to use the NSS layer.

Heh, yes, the 'dns proxy' option uses gethostbyname(), which is an NSS-based
call, so this could be recursive.  Sorry, "don't do that". :)

(dns proxy is one of those old options that Seemed Like A Good Idea At The
Time, anyway; I can't imagine why anyone would want to use that with any
clients deployed in the past 10 years, all of which should be capable of
doing DNS directly as needed.)

> On a related note, you might want to document that you don't actually
> have to run windbindd to get the "hosts: wins" NSS service, you just
> need to run a WINS server and have /lib/libnss_wins.so (I think).  The
> fact that libnss_wins.so installs by default to run winbindd in Debian
> suggests that you need to run it for all features described in
> winbindd man page (i.e., be good if the winbindd man page said you
> don't have to run winbindd to get the NSS functionality, even though
> it's the winbindd man page that's documenting it).

Hum, it's part of the winbind package because winbind is the "make my
machine integrate with Windows domains" package.  nss_wins is not a
prerequisite for winbindd, nor is winbindd a prerequisite for nss_wins, but
winbindd is started by default and packaged together win nss_wins because I
think it would be splitting hairs to do otherwise when considering the
common usage scenarios.

I agree that there's room for improvement in the documentation here.

Steve Langasek                   Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer                   to set it on, and I can move the world.
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