Package: translate
Severity: important

I'm now taking over ITP bugs for libtranslate (#292907 and #418329). I've
already available a building .deb, and my package provides
a /usr/bin/translate, which is found also in your package.

What should I do? libtranslate is a general translation utility, while instead
translate is just de <-> en. I suggest you rename your binary to something more
specific than "translate". Or, if you want, we could use alternatives [1], even
if both packages do *not* provide the same functionalities.

Please let me know, as these bugs are blocking another ITP (#462936).


[1] I don't really know how to make this work; it's the first time I might need
them. Some help could be required :)

 . ''`.  Debian maintainer |
 : :'  : Linuxer #334216 --|--
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   `-   2BAB C625 4E66 E7B8 450A C3E1 E6AA 9017 1392 B174

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