On Tue, Feb 05, 2008 at 08:25:50PM -0500, Etan S. C. Reisner wrote:

> I tried adding 'import apt' to before the current import line, after which
> ept-cache reindex gets farther but still fails. This time it fails with:
> "NameError: global name 'expandtags' is not defined" on line 97 of
> apttags.py.

Thank you for following up.

I finally got round to properly fix apttags.py and I've uploaded a new
version of apt-xapian-index with the fixed plugin.  If you upgrade
apt-xapian-index (as soon as it's available in the mirrors), the problem
should disappear.

I'll leave this bug open, however, until I upload a new version of
ept-cache that depends on the new version of apt-xapian-index.



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