Hello again Varun,

Varun Hiremath escreveu:
Hi Ivan,

On Thu, 21 Feb, 2008 at 09:38:16AM -0300, Ivan Marin wrote:
Hello Varun,
Could you please provide some PLOT3D file and tell us the exact steps
to reproduce this problem?

The files that I've tried are recommended on the mayavi2 examples page. The file is attached (I don't know the correct procedure to submit a file on bugs.debian.org).

The attached files work for me with LC_ALL and LANG set to en_IN.UTF-8
and even with pt_BR.UTF-8. I guess this problem is related to your
local settings. Can you try to reproduce this on some other system?
I will try on a different system tonight and then report the results.
No modules or files can be opened. If the LC_ALL and LANG are changed for C, it cannot find any files at all.
Well that is not true because I tried loading a vtk file with LC_ALL
and LANG set to en_IN.UTF-8 and it worked perfectly for me.
Yes, that is odd - and that's why I've submitted the bug. Sure can be a problem with the input file - can you send me the vtk file for test?

If you want you can try this vtk file:

I've just downloaded this file, and the same error occurred. Checking on the Frame Based Inspector, it seems that the problem happens with the FileDialog Class:
class FileDialog(Dialog):
    """ A dialog that allows the user to open/save files etc. """
on the file

/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/enthought/pyface (function close)

And the line

    def close(self):
        """ Closes the window. """

        # Get the path of the chosen directory.
        self.path = str(self.control.GetPath())
is where I get the error. The Local Variables indicate the self argument on <enthought.pyface.file_dialog.FileDialog object at 0x384a650>

Can you suggest any other tests that I can do to try to check why this is happening particulary on my system? I'm also suspecting that the problem is in my python installation, but so far I've just installed the required packages by apt.

Thank you for your patience!



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