On 21/02/2008 Didier Raboud wrote:
> One more thing : the thread that Jonas pointed has had new answers with 
> somebody reaching something like a solution :
> http://marc.info/?l=linux-kernel&m=120353967024559&w=2
> > I just tested one affected configuration and problem was in missing
> > "chainiv.ko" module on ramdisk.
> As far as I understand them, the solution is either to wait for the merge of 
> chainiv into blkcipher or adding chainiv.ko into the initramfs. I just don't 
> know how I can test it myself nor which solution will be prefered by Debian.

Just do the same thing you did with blkcipher with chainiv. In the
initramfs console try 'modprobe chainiv', and see whether that fixes
your problem.


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