
Here the backtrace but no information from the libgnustep-art-012

Maybe we must change the makefile to add the debug information for the 

[Switching to Thread 0xb72418d0 (LWP 29525)]
0xb6e3fafc in ?? () from 
(gdb) bt
#0  0xb6e3fafc in ?? () from 
#1  0xb6e42321 in ?? () from 
#2  0xb6e370a8 in ?? () from 
#3  0xb6e371da in ?? () from 
#4  0xb7da8d2f in +[GSDisplayServer serverWithAttributes:] (self=0xb7f0e680, 
_cmd=0xb7e7cb28, attributes=0x0)
    at GSDisplayServer.m:185
#5  0xb7c1ff94 in -[NSApplication _init] (self=0x81a7378, _cmd=0xb7e7cb78) at 
#6  0xb7915929 in -[NSObject performSelector:withObject:] (self=0x81a7378, 
_cmd=0xb7b4be40, aSelector=0xb7e7cb78, 
    anObject=0x81a7378) at NSObject.m:1947
#7  0xb7975980 in -[NSObject(NSMainThreadPerformAdditions) 
performSelectorOnMainThread:withObject:waitUntilDone:modes:] (
    self=0x81a7378, _cmd=0xb7b4be60, aSelector=0xb7e7cb78, anObject=0x81a7378, 
aFlag=1 '\001', anArray=0x81a9648)
    at NSThread.m:1046
#8  0xb7975bba in -[NSObject(NSMainThreadPerformAdditions) 
performSelectorOnMainThread:withObject:waitUntilDone:] (self=0x81a7378, 
    _cmd=0xb7e7cb80, aSelector=0xb7e7cb78, anObject=0x81a7378, aFlag=1 '\001') 
at NSThread.m:1093
#9  0xb7c20467 in -[NSApplication init] (self=0x81a7378, _cmd=0xb7e7c918) at 
#10 0xb7c1feec in +[NSApplication sharedApplication] (self=0xb7e7c280, 
_cmd=0xb7e727e0) at NSApplication.m:771
#11 0xb7c06fbc in NSApplicationMain (argc=1, argv=0xbfd3a504) at Functions.m:72
#12 0x0805d5a2 in main ()

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