clone 466036 -1
reassign -1 tex-common
retitle -1 tex-common: Must force the transition to texlive upon upgrade to 
block 466036 by -1

Norbert Preining <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Do, 21 Feb 2008, Frank Küster wrote:
>> Thanks for your burst of work. I hope that even if the bad weather may
>> be part of the reason, all is safe in terms of avalanges and stuff.  I
> No, only that I have one week off before leaving Saturday early morning
> again for 3 weeks.
>> lmodern, edit sources list, apt-get update, apt-get install lmodern),
>> but I won't have time for that this weekend (I'm just back from a
> I will have neither, so I guess that has to wait.

I have done that now, and the upgrade of lmodern still fails, because
upgrading tex-common to 1.11 does not force the transition from tetex to
texlive, it just removes the tetex tree from TEXMF.

So it seems we actually do need a further conflict in tex-common: If it
removes all tetex from the search paths, it must also force the
transition to texlive.

I won't have time to do this soon, though.  Any help is appreciated.

Regards, Frank
Frank Küster
Debian Developer (teTeX/TeXLive)

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