
I wonder if we really win something by changing from libg2c0-dev to
libf2c2-dev. Maybe an alternative (I'm not familiar enough here, so
please don't hesitate to comment my proposal):

We could take fortran/ and put the library creation stuff
into it and use the FORTRAN sources. instead of the f2c-generated C
sources. That requires copying libmopac7.c and libmopac7.h from src/
into fortran and running autoreconf. So we can maybe drop the
libg2c0/libf2c2 dependency completely for the library. Also the
application seems to have a FORTRAN source.

I attach the necessary to this mail. However, atm this fails
for me at:

> esp.f:948.72:
>          OPEN(21,STATUS='NEW')                                          
>                                                                        1
> Error: The STATUS specified in OPEN statement at (1) is 'NEW' and no FILE 
> specifier is present
> [..]
> esp.f:2357.72:
>          OPEN(21,STATUS='NEW')                                          
>                                                                        1
> Error: The STATUS specified in OPEN statement at (1) is 'NEW' and no FILE 
> specifier is present

I'm not familiar with FORTRAN and I miss time to examine this atm.
Reading the docs I think, maybe a "scratch file" should be opened, so I
removed the STATUS stuff and then it compiles some more files. But it
stops at:

> symtrz.f:1045.30:
>       DATA TOLER,IFRA /  0.1, '????'/                                   
>                              1
> Error: Incompatible types in assignment at (1), CHARACTER(1) to INTEGER(4)

After fixing this one and a typo (s/NAMES/NAME) a few lines later (CCed
Tommi Hassinen with this mail), it compiles, but it fails with:

.libs/fdate.o: In function `fdate_':
/usr/local/src/Packages/mopac7/mopac7-1.13/fortran/fdate.c:27: undefined
reference to `s_copy'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

This is because fortran/fdate.c uses s_copy(). If we can replace this
one too (not hard): Is there anything that prevents us from directly
compiling the FORTRAN sources to create the library and program?

CCed Tommi Hassinen

Regards, Daniel
SUBDIRS = c_src_bak

        aababc.f        addfck.f        addhcr.f        addnuc.f \
        analyt.f        anavib.f        axis.f          block.f \
        bonds.f         brlzon.f        btoc.f          calpar.f \
        capcor.f        cdiag.f         chrge.f         cnvg.f \
        compfg.f        consts.f        cqden.f         datin.f \
        dcart.f         delmol.f        delri.f         denrot.f \
        densit.f        depvar.f        deri0.f         deri1.f \
        deri21.f        deri22.f        deri23.f        deri2.f \
        deritr.f        deriv.f         dernvo.f        ders.f \
        dfock2.f        dfpsav.f        dgemm.f         dgemv.f \
        dger.f          dgetf2.f        dgetrf.f        dgetri.f \
        diag.f          diat2.f         diat.f          diegrd.f \
        dielen.f        diis.f          dijkl1.f        dijkl2.f \
        dipind.f        dipole.f        dlaswp.f        dofs.f \
        dot.f           drc.f           drcout.f        dtrmm.f \
        dtrmv.f         dtrsm.f         dtrti2.f        dtrtri.f \
        dvfill.f        ef.f            enpart.f        esp.f \
        etime.c         exchng.f        fdate.c         ffhpol.f \
        flepo.f         fmat.f          fock1.f         fock2.f \
        force.f         formxy.f        forsav.f        frame.f \
        freqcy.f        geout.f         geoutg.f        getgeg.f \
        getgeo.f        getsym.f        gettxt.f        gmetry.f \
        gover.f         greenf.f        grid.f          h1elec.f \
        haddon.f        hcore.f         helect.f        hqrii.f \
        ijkl.f          ilaenv.f        initsv.f        interp.f \
        iter.f          jcarin.f        linmin.f        local.f \
        locmin.f        lsame.f         makpol.f        mamult.f \
        matou1.f        matout.f        matpak.f        mecid.f \
        meci.f          mecih.f         mecip.f         moldat.f \
        molval.f                        mopac7lib.f     mullik.f \
        mult.f          nllsq.f         nuchar.f        parsav.f \
        partxy.f        pathk.f         paths.f         perm.f \
        polar.f         powsav.f        powsq.f         prtdrc.f \
        quadr.f         react1.f        reada.f         readmo.f \
        refer.f         repp.f          rotate.f        rotat.f \
        rsp.f           search.f        second.f        setupg.f \
        SIZES           SIZES.orig      solrot.f        swap.f \
        sympro.f        symtry.f        symtrz.f        thermo.f \
        timer.f         timout.f        update.f        upsurf.f \
        vecprt.f        writmo.f        wrtkey.f        wrttxt.f \
        xerbla.f        xyzint.f


libmopac7_la_LDFLAGS = -version-info 1:13:0

libmopac7_la_SOURCES = $(EXTRA_DIST) libmopac7.c

libmopac7includedir = $(includedir)/mopac7

libmopac7include_HEADERS = libmopac7.h

noinst_PROGRAMS = mopac7
mopac7_SOURCES = mopac7app.f
mopac7_LDFLAGS = -lmopac7 -lm

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