On Sun, May 08, 2005 at 09:56:38PM -0400, Eric Dorland wrote:
> Is it all that common that firefox will hang when it's grabbed the X
> pointer?

Yes. The most common hang case is after a newly opened window has first
shown and focus is put into the title bar / location bar area. Clicking on
the bookmarks menu, for example, will hang the browser with a partially
displayed menu and the cursor grabbed. 

> Plus, how couldn't you get another terminal up? I mean if you
> disable all the VCs on the machine, then it's possible, but is that
> really a realistic scenario? 

Assuming the end user even knows what a virtual terminal is and how to
switch between them, there's lots of cases where you won't have another
usable virtual terminal to switch to. One case occurs when displaying
firefox on a dumb x terminal. Another case is handheld and tablet PC's
without hard keyboards - on these systems the character cell console is
useless as the handwriting recognizer or on-screen keyboard only works in X.

(When displaying firefox on my ipaq over wifi, I actually need to press the
reset button in order to recover from this condition).

Brian Ristuccia

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