On Sun, 9 Mar 2008, Yves Lambert wrote:

Thomas Dickey a écrit :
> Hello links and aptitude freezes at least(m)rxvt and Eterm
> terminals:

 links is hardcoded, unrelated to ncurses.

Well I probably made a mistake, but I don't know where to forward the bug:
Anyhow links probably uses terminfo files, doesn't it ?

no - "hardcoded" literally. ditto for elinks, links2. They all use ad hoc hardcoded settings, which happen to work for most of the terminals you'd use on Linux.

I should have described  more precisely what happens:

With aptitude either with rxvt or Eterm, after the reset of the terminal, the cursor is solid on top left and nothing at all is dumped on it - with links, either with rxvt or Eterm the terminal is not reset the cursor is solid on bottom left of the terminal and nothing is dumped on it. Either with aptitude or links input actions seem affected too, keystroke actions are not acting eg. q does not quit the application but ^C terminates it. *The problem does not occur with vim or less, which use termcaps too*

Perhaps aptitude is sending some interesting escape sequence that the other terminals are finding incomplete. (xterm has a few - the OSC ones, but since xterm's working, it's not obvious to me). I'd try capturing the output using script, and analyze that.

The problem does not occur with xterm and when setting $TERM to xterm, although there is some scrolling problems the display is ok.

Thomas E. Dickey

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