Am Sonntag, 9. März 2008 schrieb Matthijs Mohlmann:
> Can you clarify about 'Signatures are NEVER deleted, ...' because there
> is a tool dspam_clean which periodically runs for the hash and db
> driver... see /etc/cron.daily/dspam

That's of no use as the hash driver simply does not support deleting 
signatures, just as I wrote.

Have a look at dspam_clean's source code, the signature processing loop 
starts as follows:

#ifdef DEBUG
    printf ("Processing sigs; age: %d\n", age);

  ss = _ds_get_nextsignature (CTX);
  while (ss != NULL)
#ifdef DEBUG
    printf ("Signature: %s\n    Created: %s\n", ss->signature,
            ctime (&ss->created_on));

and goes on to build a list of signatures to be deleted.

Now have a look at the hash_drv code:

struct _ds_storage_signature *
_ds_get_nextsignature (DSPAM_CTX * CTX)
  return NULL;

So you can invoke dspam_clean as often as you like, you'll need to resort 
to a plain "find / rm" combination invoked by cron to avoid your disk 
filling up by an unbounded signature directory growth.

As its not documented, I consider that to be a bug in dspam 3.6.4, but 
it's a bug which was not fixed or worked around in the Debian package 
when I opened the bug report and which has rather serious consequences 
for real-life installations.



Attachment: signature.asc
Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

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