On Wed, Mar 05, 2008 at 03:08:29PM +0100, Philippe Teuwen wrote:
> Package: libbeidlibopensc2
> Version: 2.6.0-3
> Severity: normal
> Tags: patch
> Hello,
> I just saw that my ~/.xsession-errors logfile was full of
> Error: can't open /var/run/openct/status...
> It happens whenever icedove/iceweasel are open (so when the
> libbeidpkcs11.so is loaded)
> I found a similar bugreport on Ubuntu:
> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/belpic/+bug/70442
> The proposed fix works:
> >>>>>>
> OpenSC has support for three driver types : PCSC, OpenCT and CT-API.
> Belpic only needs PC/SC, and will produce errors/warnings if you leave
> support for OpenCT enabled.

This is wrong.

The Belgian electronic ID card needs a smartcard driver; either PCSC,
OpenCT, or CT-API will indeed work. The government removed the OpenCT
and CT-API drivers since they don't sell any cardreaders that use those;
however, that doesn't mean the card won't work with other cardreaders.

Since my cardreader does, in fact, use the OpenCT driver rather than the
PC/SC one, I re-added this driver to the beid packages. Disabling the
driver afterwards would be rather silly.

> Fix:
> Edit /etc/beidbase.conf, and insert a statement that limits the use of
> drivers to pcsc. Right before the reader_driver config feels like an OK
> place to do this :
> ## specify driver family pcsc.
> # Others (openct, ..) are not needed for Belpic and
> # may produce errors/warnings
>         reader_drivers = pcsc ;
>  reader_driver pcsc {
>      ....
> <<<<<<
> I sometime saw those errors when playing on the command line and
> I even think I've read somewhere a statement that said
> "normal that doesn't hurt" but here I'm talking about 6-8 lines
> of log every second and I just got a nice crash because of this big
> error file.

I'll see if I can make libbeidlibopensc2 stop those warnings, then.
That's a better option than to remove a driver for no good reason.

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