> This is a fundamental flaw in the design.  We can't scale according to
> fonts because of many reasons, but on that comes to mind is a buddy on
> msn who has an insanely long friendly name.  If we scaled to fit all
> that text, the notification would take up a good portion of your screen.
> So instead of that, I opted to have it be the size of the image, which
> of course is up to the theme developer, who probably isn't using that
> high of a resolution nor has a dpi of 135.  Which of course is going to
> lead into such behavior.

Thats two different things. You could use a box which has a width of
On a normal screen, that would be 150 pixels. On mine it would be 270.
On both this would be about 2 inch big on the real screen.
The problem is, that you do scale the fonts - automatically...

Or to speak in CSS terms: use a width like 16em, not 256px.
OR: use pixel-sized fonts, not point-sized. If the fonts are small (on
high-res-screens), thats not so bad as when you can't read the contents
of the "notification" at all because there's not enough space to put
just 10 chars in there.

It's not so much about scaling so the text fits in there. I don't care
about insanely long buddy names... I agree with you on that, I don't
want too big notifications either.
But I'd like to be able to display buddy names of lets say... 8 chars?

> This is up to Tollef, the guifications debian packager, to decide.  The
> packages I produce will always have all notifications disabled, since

... you probably mean enabled, judging from the rest of the sentence.

> whenever I play with a new piece of software would rather have to turn
> something off, than to dig around and find out that it can do something
> else.

Well, from a usability point of view, the best choice is to set the
defaults so they are optimal to most users. Which isn't true for the
current case...

best regards,
Erich Schubert
   erich@(vitavonni.de|debian.org)    --    GPG Key ID: 4B3A135C    (o_
     Which is worse: ignorance or apathy? Who knows? Who cares?     //\
          Die Stärke eines Menschen kann man daran messen,          V_/_
              wie er mit seinen Schwächen fertig wird!

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