Quoting Filipus Klutiero ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> Package: samba-common
> Version: 3.0.28-4
> Severity: minor
> konqueror shows the SYNOPIS section of nmblookup's manpage like this:
> nmblookup [-M] [-R] [-S] [-r] [-A] [-h] [-B�<broadcast�address>] 
> [-U�<unicast�address>] [-d�<debug�level>] [-s�<smb�config�file>] 
> [-i�<NetBIOS�scope>] [-T] [-f] {name} 
> man like this:
>        nmblookup [-M] [-R] [-S] [-r] [-A] [-h] [-B<broadcastaddress>] 
> [-U<unicastaddress>] [-d<debuglevel>] [-s<smbconfigfile>] [-i<NetBIOSscope>] 
> [-T] [-f] {name}
> The characters look like simple spaces in stable.

Apparently, these are non-breakable spaces....encoded in ISO-8859-1.
I'm not sure this can be called incorrect. Colin

I don't see any deep reasons for these spaces to be uncreakable,
though. I'd rather see them as regular spaces, which would help good
portability of original manpages.

Samba's manpages are generated from XML files in upstream's samba-doc
SVN. They are included in upstream's distribution when releases are
published.. The fix should probably go there rather than having a
Debian-cooked patch to the generated manpages

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