Le Sunday 16 March 2008 02:34:53 Hubert Chathi, vous avez écrit :
> On Fri, 14 Mar 2008 00:10:07 +0100 Loïc JOUANIQUE
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I didnt experience anything PPD-related (at least, I think so)...
> > only a problem due to the font-management package in Debian loosing
> > his mind after an upgrade to Ghostscript ... (look at my latest post,
> > cant remember the problematic packages's name .. lets call it
> > Schtroumpf for now); a simple 'dpkg-reconfigure -plow Schtroumpf'
> > will do the trick ..
> Hi Loïc,
> Your last post mentioned the package foomatic-filters, which is filters
> printer driver.  Is this the right package?
Guess so ... but my understanding of foomatic's job was that it managed the 
nightmare that is Linux Font Management, that is, that it is not ONLY 
concerned with printer's filters ...
But to be sure of this, one has to :
- eradicate the ghostscript-* packages
- install the old gs-esp (or some thing like that)
- dpkg-reconfigure -plow foomatic-filter (the so-called Schtroumpf package)
- test : install ghostscript-something, WITHOUT reconfiguring 'Schtroumpf'
- see was goes on from there ...

Sorry, I dont have time for that right now .. will be able to test somewhere 
within 2 weeks ...

> Perhaps this bug should be reassigned to that package, or coordinated
> with the foomatic package maintainer.
I think both package maintainers should be involved (maybe more .. see a bit 
downwards), to discover what causes it .. maybe add some mean to detect what 
packages is responsible for handling changes in font/ppd; the way I see it 
right now would be to add another tool in Debian core system to handle this, 
as foomatic *may* not be the only possible packages with such 
side-effects ...
> My guess is that the foomatic drivers are somehow still looking for
> gs-esp instead of gs, but I'm not completely sure.
Dont think so either, but, without some mean to debug the CUPS/ghostscript's 
work, I definitely cant help here (in one of my earliest messages, I pleaded 
for someone who could help me getting some *meaningful* debugging logs ... 
with no answers up to now ..)

Accident de piétons a Paris.
Un tué sur deux meurt des suites de son décès.  
        -+- Les nuls -+-

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