Michael Biebl wrote:

> For the background: I've been using svn-buildpackage with the
> --svn-dont-clean option for a few of my packages, where I had to patch
> the build system (my preference is to patch Makefile.amS directly and
> run autoreconf during build time). In this case I have to clean up the
> (re)generated build files, so they don't end up in the diff.gz.
> This is admittedly a special case, so my bug report title was badly
> worded. A wishlist bug for a --git-dont-clean option would have been
> more apt.
> I just found out, that I can use --git-cleaner=true, which does exactly
> what I want. Would you consider adding this as "tip" to the gbp docs for
> svn-buildpackage converts like me?

Maybe a complete section in the docs: "git-buildpackage for
svn-buildpackage converts" wouldn't be such a bad idea ;-)
Just remember one of my last bug reports, where I was looking for a
--svn-lintian counterpart in git-buildpackage.


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