I looked into doing a binNMU of ssh to workaround this problem, but the
current versioning scheme ssh uses makes this problematic:

<dannf> how does binNMU versionin work w/ something like 1.2.3-4.sarge.5 ?
<vorlon> if you number it as 1.2.3-4.sarge.5, it will already look like a binNMU
<dannf> the developer's guide leads me to believe it should be sarge.6 - but 
that seems wrong
<vorlon> yep.
<vorlon> preferably, you would use 1.2.3-4sarge5 instead
<dannf> well shit - upstream's next release will likely be the same, i don't 
want my arch to have a different version
<vorlon> (and then 1.2.3-4sarge5.0.1, 1.2.3-4sarge5.1)
* dannf was wanting to binNMU ssh for #309274
<dannf> s/upstream/the maintainer/
<vorlon> heh.  doh.

Christoph - would you permit me to "have" sarge.5 for a binNMU?

dann frazier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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