
> [Lorand Szollosi]
> > Sections starting with capital 'E' break the dvi output.
> > Steps to reproduce:
> > 1., Create a new document.
> > 2., Create a chapter - name it E.
> > 3., Create a section - name it E.
> > 4., Try to view the DVI - xdvi exits with error message:
> > xdvi.bin: Wrong number of bits stored:  char. 69, font ecbx1728
> What document class are you using?  I can't reproduce your bug - I
> tried with the 'book' class.
I used the book class. Without changing anything in the system,
today (=after reboot) it worked, yesterday it didn't. :? Anyways,
it's clearly working now, so it cannot be a bug inside lyx.
Please pardon me for mis-reporting it.


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