On Fri, May 20, 2005 at 08:57:03AM +0200, Markus Hoenicka wrote:
> > And, indeed libdbd-mysql already links against libmysqlclient14 in sarge and
> > sid.  So then, why are you suggesting a rebuild as a solution to this bug?

> I may not be sufficiently familiar with Debian packaging and such. When I
> checked the original /debian contents in libdbd-mysql (using the diff.gz from
> the Debian page, as David forgot to check this stuff into cvs), it had
> libmysqlclient12-dev listed as a build dependency.

Then that's a separate release-critical bug, because the i386 binaries in
the archive are built against a version of libmysqlclient other than the one
listed as a build-dependency.

> So I assumed the binary packages were linked against this library. I've
> changed these dependencies (the cvs version now asks for
> libmysqlclient14-dev), rebuilt libdbi0 and libdbd-mysql, and everything
> works smoothly. I was under the layman's impression that if you build
> against libmysqlclient12-dev and run libmysqlclient14 you may get into
> trouble, but I may be wrong here.

If you build against libmysqlclient12-dev, the binaries will be linked
against libmysqlclient12 and use libmysqlclient12.  That's not what happened

It's entirely possible that simply doing a proper rebuild of the i386
binaries against libmysqlclient12 will also fix whatever problem you're

> Taken together, all I can say is that the currently available package is 
> broke,
> and this has been confirmed independently by several users. Rebuilding libdbi
> and libdbd-mysql from the CVS sources fixes this problem.

> Please let me know if I can do anything else to debug or fix this.

It would be helpful if you would try to rebuild the current source package
as-is, rather than rebuilding from CVS sources, to confirm whether or not
that fixes the problem.  It's preferable if this can be fixed *just* by
rebuilding the i386 binaries, instead of by changing the build-dependency to
point to libmysqlclient14, since the former is easier to push into sarge
than the latter.

Steve Langasek
postmodern programmer

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