reopen 472987
severity important

[ adjusting severity; might be a kind of panic reaction ]
[ adding postgresql maintainers to CC for their input ]

Hi Romain!

Thanks for the very fast answer!

* Romain Beauxis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [080327 17:04]:
> > It seems to me that recommending postgresql-8.1 (or postgresql as
> > 1:1.12.0-1 thankfully does) isn't enough, since you need not only to have
> > a postgresql server, but also "tspeak2" which seems to be in the respective
> > postgresql-contrib package.
> Please try to read previous reports..
> This was fixed with the latest 1.12.0 upload..

Small correction to my last message: s/tsepak2/tsearch2/ ;)

Actually I did, and I think you refer to:

* Changed postgresql recommends to "postgresql" package
   Closes: #469582

This allows mediawiki to be used with any version of the
postgresql-Server, which is good.

However:  To run mediawiki on a postgresql-Server you seem to need
"tsearch2", which is shipped in a seperate package, namely
postgresql-contrib.  Without that package beeing installed, it just
doesn't work.

Beeing not really deep in postgresql myself, I'm not really sure, if
changing the recommends from postgresql to postgresql-contrib is okay;
postgresql-contrib depends on the proper postsql package, so the server
would be pulled in, too.  Maybe the postgresql maintainer can say
something about that?

> > It would also be cool, if it could be further documented, on how to enable
> > this feature (one needs to do something like "psql wikidb <
> > /usr/share/postgresql/8.1/contrib/tsearch2.sql", after running
> > config/index.php, but I'm not entirely sure, since I'm stuck with the error
> > message: »Attempting to set default tsearch2 locale to "de_DE.UTF-8"...
> > Warning: pg_query() []: Query failed: FEHLER: keine
> > Berechtigung für Relation pg_ts_cfg in
> > /usr/share/mediawiki/includes/DatabasePostgres.php on line 544
> > FAILED. Please make sure that the locale in pg_ts_cfg for "default" is set
> > to "de_DE.UTF-8"« after running the above command.)
> Hey, I don't know anything related to postgre so I can hardly help..

Got it working :)
Seems like the the configure script is not yet really working;  after
doing an " GRANT ALL on pg_ts_cfg TO wikiadmin;" the config script
finished, and now I have a really nice mediawiki using my

> However, the package is team-maintained, but I 'm currently the only member, 
> so I would kindly accept new contributions/contributors :-)

I'll set it on my todo-List, promised, but it might take some time for
me to get back to you, since I'm quite busy at the moment.

Yours sincerely,

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