Hi Giovanni,

On Mar 28  14:35, Giovanni Mascellani wrote:
> The problem here is that josm searches for icons in a directory
> belonging to the package openstreetmap-map-icons-classic, which doesn't
> have all the icons josm expects to find. Moreover, not one of the icon
> collections contained in packages openstreetmap-map-icons-*, nor the
> collection distributed in josm upstream SVN, is a super-set of the
> other collections. And josm's icon collection has unique elements,
> which are not present in openstreetmap-map-icons-*.

The icons directory (styles/standard/) in josm upstream svn is really an
external reference to
This is the source of the openstreetmap-map-icons* packages, too.
> I think that the best solution is to not drop josm's icons when
> creating the tarball from the SVN, but letting them into the archive a
> make josm use them. After all, they're fewer than 400 kB compressed!
> I'll wait for acknowledgement before applying these modifications.

Once the openstreetmap-map-icons* package are updated josm should find
all icons it wants. 
Expecting thousands of new josm installations, 400kB (1.8Mb uncompressed) 
duplicated disk space and bandwidth is a lot, if you ask me :)


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