severity 472828 minor

Hi Marcelo,
I actually don't see why this bug is important or even why it is a bug
ad all. squid_unix_group prints to STDERR informations about what went
wront with the autentication which do not affect the external_acl
protocol that runs on STDIN/STDOUT. STDERR is ignored by squid while
talkin to its helpers.

On the other side that warnings can be useful to manually check what is
going wrong with external acl authentication and are, thus, useful
instead of annoying.

Can you please elaborate on this bug? Otherwise I'm proposing to close
it, if you agree.



Il giorno mer, 26/03/2008 alle 20.18 +0200, Marcelo Azevedo ha scritto:
> ~$ /usr/lib/squid/squid_unix_group
> test
> helper: Group does not exist '��

 Luigi Gangitano -- <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -- <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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