On Mon, 2008-03-31 at 04:06 +0200, Nikolaus Schulz wrote:
> Now, this wiki reads like it is still discussed how to approach these
> problems, while I hear that Gnome 2.22 started 'integrating' PolicyKit,
> whatever that means.  What's the current state of affairs with the
> general multi user scenario?  Any pointer how to track the progress
> here?  


I'm not really sure actually, but you could probably ask for a status
update on the gnome-power-manager mailing list. 

> Ah, that's much better than manually killing g-p-m entirely. :-)
> Doesn't seem to be in Etch, though.  

AFAIK, all it takes (and all the inhibit applet does) is a simple dbus
call to inhibit/uninhibit g-p-m, so it would probably not be hard to
write a script to do this, or even backport the applet.

Sven Arvidsson
PGP Key ID 760BDD22

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