The scripts provided in the contrib/ directory aren't official part of
mercurial. Some are useful, but others have some problems or are
worthless to be added.

About the examples:


I agree with having the vim files installed system-wide by default. I'll
work on it.


I think the web stuff must be keep in the examples dir, not everybody
uses it, or at least, not in every host(I have it enabled in a server,
but not in my desktop or laptop).


Git-viz use the now deprecated hgit command, and add additional
dependencies, so it's worthless to add it.


Completely undocumented scripts.


Debian's default shell is bash, so those completion files are useless in
a default system.


Can't be installed in /usr/bin, this script lets you adjust the default
editor and settings when committing, using the the HGEDITOR environment
variable. So, it's intended to be customized.


I can't say much about those scripts(hgsh is a C program):

* They are Poorly documented
* They have just a reduced set of features, Read the comments(if any)
for more info.
* Just cover a reduced set of cases, IHMO.

And the darcs2hg and convert-repo script are deprecated, it's encouraged
to use 'hg convert' now.

I'll finish the new package form mercurial 1.0, and work in the vim
addons for the next revision.

Do you agree about just use the vim stuffs system-wide?

Geek By NaTure,LiNuX By ChOiCe,DebiAn of CoUrsE
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