On Tue, Apr 01, 2008 at 11:06:49PM +1100, Mark Purcell wrote:

> > I haven't heard a reply from you yet, and I asked Cyril Brulebois to
> > reproduce the segmentation fault on PowerPC, but on his computer
> > blobwars worked. Therefore I am downgrading this bug. I do hope you can
> > produce a coredump and a backtrace so we can figure out what happens on
> > your machine.
> Sorry about the delay in response.
> I am still having the issue with Segmentation Faults, but haven't yet been 
> able to produce a core dump.
> I have created my blobwars-dbg package with symbols, but when I run with gdb, 
> the startup 'loading' screen goes full screen and I can't control gdb any 
> further.  I haven't played around with it too much though ;-(
> I see there is a -fullscreen option, but no -nofullscreen, so it must be a 
> compile time flag, if I can get that then I should be able to make some 
> further progress.

Try to remove the config files:

rm -R ~/.parallelrealities/blobwars

By default, blobwars should start in windowed mode. But you don't need
to start blobwars from within gdb. To get a core dump from a normally
started blobwars, make sure you are in a directory that you have write
access in (your home or /tmp), and give the following command (in bash):

ulimit -c unlimited

Then try running blobwars again. Now you should have a coredump that you
can process with gdb.

Met vriendelijke groet / with kind regards,
      Guus Sliepen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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