On Sun, Apr 06, 2008, Robert Millan wrote:
> Any news about this one?  If you want, I can send a patch for the suggested
> package split + conflicts.

 I think you can let NM handle e.g. your wifi and Debian scripts the
 other interfaces (e.g. virtual machines), so you could actually find
 some use to having the two; yes, it would be hairy and NM would break
 your network from time to time, but wifi isn't always up.  For example
 I used to have NM configure my wired network automatically when I
 plugged it in (ala ifplugd) and used Debian ifup/ifdown with
 /etc/network/interfaces for wifi.

 I think a conflict is too strong, but I wouldn't mind splitting
 network-admin in a separate package pulled only by recommends to allow
 saving space on desktop installs where NM is also pulled.

 Yes, a patch is welcome.

Loïc Minier

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