also sprach Fabian Ruff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2008.04.07.0049 +0200]:
> I think that updating to volatile doesn't really fixes the problem:
> I've experienced the same problems as mentioned above and updated to
> volatile about 3-4 weeks ago:
> ~# apt-show-versions |grep clamav
> clamav-base/etch uptodate 0.92.1~dfsg-1volatile1
> clamav-daemon/etch uptodate 0.92.1~dfsg-1volatile1
> clamav-freshclam/etch uptodate 0.92.1~dfsg-1volatile1
> libclamav2/etch uptodate 0.91.2-1~volatile1
> clamav/etch uptodate 0.92.1~dfsg-1volatile1
> libclamav3/etch uptodate 0.92.1~dfsg-1volatile1
> This worked fine until 30 minutes ago when clamav went down again with
> apparently the same problem.

I experienced the problem last night with the volatile packages:
freshclam went berserk and took -milter and -daemon with it. I had
to kill freshclam before I could start the other two due to
a database lock. From the logs, it seems that this is due to failure
by freshclam to connect to the mirrors.

 .''`.   martin f. krafft <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
: :'  :  proud Debian developer, author, administrator, and user
`. `'` -
  `-  Debian - when you have better things to do than fixing systems
will kill for oil!

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