(taking unrelated bugs out of the loop.)

also sprach Erik van Konijnenburg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2005.05.21.1957 +0200]:
> * at S40 or so, you come along, see that /dev/md0 exists, and decide
>   not to do MAKEDEV

No, I come along at S25 and I do not give a flying food for whether
/dev/md0 exists or not. I just create all /dev/md* nodes, regardless
of whether some or all already exist, iff udev is being used.

> Understood.  I'm not a Debian maintainer, so none of the release
> pressure is on me; if you don't have room to work on this option,
> the alternative is fine with me.  This patch is intended as
> a fallback in case your earlier upload does not make it through
> testing.

It's intended to make it through testing. sarge will not release
without mdadm, or when mdadm has an RC bug.

> As a worst case scenario, you can degrade the bug to wishlist and
> claim that users should do the auto thing in the config file.

No, that's not an option. This is Debian, after all. :)

> > Isn't --auto=yes intended to enable this but read the actual setting
> > from the configuration file? I am not sure that your patch still
> > allows this.
> You're right that we should look at this, for now that's completely
> untested in this patch.
> I'll dive in and see if I can find out what's supposed to happen.


I think it would be best if you could file a new (wishlist) bug
against mdadm and attach the patch to that, so that we can treat the
two as separate issues.

 .''`.     martin f. krafft <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
: :'  :    proud Debian developer, admin, user, and author
`. `'`
  `-  Debian - when you have better things to do than fixing a system
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