> I have made packages for Ubuntu Gutsy and Hardy available. These
> releases are intended only as a band-aid for the impatient until the
> official packages come out, or until I have time to talk to the
> appropriate people;

I have also prepared debs which are documented here:

These use GHC 6.8, which is available for Hardy but not Gutsy.

I have taken the trouble to do some minor bookkeeping:

 darcs (2.0.0-2) unstable; urgency=low

   * Refer to texlive instead of tetex (vastly reducing build deps).
   * Enable curl pipelining, because it sounds cool.

 darcs (2.0.0-1) unstable; urgency=low

   * New upstream release (Closes: 456618).

     - Ignores .hg (Mercurial) metadata by default (Closes: #447100).
     - Ignores Waf metadata by default (Closes: #457656).
     - Doesn't silently overwrite unadded files when applying/pulling a
       patch that adds the same file (Closes: #394721).
     - Can reuse ssh connections more (Closes: #466452).

   * Bump curl dependency to libcurl4-dev.
   * Delete semantic.cache's (Closes: 457259).
   * debian/watch: update format (Closes: #457258).
   * Remove some patches to configure, since they look like noops.
     The file is in debian/patches/obsolete in case anybody complains.

I have not integrated the changes from 1.0.9-1ubuntu1 and ubuntu2 and
have the following outstanding lintian entries:

  W: darcs source: out-of-date-standards-version 3.7.2 (current is 3.7.3)
  W: darcs: manpage-has-errors-from-man usr/share/man/man1/darcs.1.gz 23: 
warning: `initialize'' not defined (probable missing space after `in')
  W: darcs: doc-base-unknown-section darcs-doc:5 Apps/Programming

I notice the latter two are also still outstanding in your debs.

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