Package: pal
Version: 0.3.5-1pre1.1
Severity: wishlist


 Please find attached the file austria.pal. It contains relevant holiday
dates for austria. Not all of them are work free holidays (and there
could have been added some specific state holidays, too), but this
collection should please most people from austria.

 I wouldn't want to have this only in Debian so feel free to send along
to upstream, other calendar applications or where you might think it's

 So long,
# Collection (c) 2005-2008 by Gerfried Fuchs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
# Feel free to use the data herein in whatever form you like, including
# but not limited to use, modify, redistribute and sublicence in any way
# you like to.

AT Austria
00000101 Neujahr
00000106 Heilige Dreikönige
00000214 Valentinstag
00000501 Tag der Arbeit
00000815 Mariä Himmelfahrt
00001026 Nationalfeiertag
00001101 Allerheiligen
00001208 Mariä Empfängnis
00001224 Heilig Abend
00001225 Christtag
00001226 Stefanitag
00001231 Silvester

Easter-047 Faschingsdienstag
Easter-046 Aschermittwoch
Easter-007 Palmsonntag
Easter-003 Gründonnerstag
Easter-002 Karfreitag
Easter     Ostersonntag
Easter+001 Ostermontag
Easter+039 Christi Himmelfahrt
Easter+050 Pfingstmontag
Easter+056 Heilige Dreifaltigkeit
Easter+060 Fronleichnam

*03L1 Anfang Sommerzeit --- Uhren vorstellen
*0521 Muttertag
*0621 Vatertag
*10L1 Ende Sommerzeit --- Uhren zurückstellen

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