Norbert Preining <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Mi, 16 Apr 2008, Frank Küster wrote:
>> I'm not sure, this may be the fault of my pbuilder setup. But if it's
>> general, we should do something about it: Simply building tex-common
>> (which build-deps on debiandoc-sgml) pulls in tl-latex-recommended-doc
>> and tl-latex-extra-doc which are large packages, especially the latter
> These package are recommended and apt-get/aptitude now by default
> installs recommends. But we agreed that we recommend the doc packages to
> not come into conflict with authors requiring us to distribute all
> together.

That's what I expected, although I didn't have time to think it over or check.

> Closing this bug?

Well, is there really *no* solution? Or rather, and as I said in my
first mail: Is the cause maybe that my pbuilder (on etch) is
misconfigured and should be changed not to install recommends?

Regards, Frank
Frank Küster
Debian Developer (teTeX/TeXLive)

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