Package: quodlibet-plugins
Version: 20080329-1
Usertags: origin-ubuntu intrepid ubuntu-patch

(this has been initially reported by lazka to ubuntu at:

Both the "Export Metadata" and "Export HTML" plugins don't work at all
because they throw the following exception:

-- snip --
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/share/quodlibet/plugins/", line 149, in
    try: ret = map(plugin.plugin_album, albums)
  File "/usr/share/quodlibet/plugins/songsmenu/", line
54, in plugin_album
    out = open(fn, 'wU')
ValueError: universal newline mode can only be used with modes starting
with 'r'
-- snip --

The message basicly explains the solution: remove the U in the mode in
songsmenu/ and songsmenu/ I've attached a patch
which fixes this trivial issue.

Index: quodlibet-plugins-20080329/songsmenu/
--- quodlibet-plugins-20080329.orig/songsmenu/	2008-05-02 23:36:35.000000000 +0200
+++ quodlibet-plugins-20080329/songsmenu/	2008-05-02 23:36:39.000000000 +0200
@@ -80,6 +80,6 @@
             s += '</tr>'
             songs_s += s
-        f = open(fn, 'wU')
+        f = open(fn, 'w')
         f.write((HTML % {'headers': cols_s, 'songs': songs_s}).encode('utf-8'))
Index: quodlibet-plugins-20080329/songsmenu/
--- quodlibet-plugins-20080329.orig/songsmenu/	2008-05-02 23:36:13.000000000 +0200
+++ quodlibet-plugins-20080329/songsmenu/	2008-05-02 23:36:19.000000000 +0200
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@
         global lastfolder
         lastfolder = dirname(fn)
-        out = open(fn, 'wU')
+        out = open(fn, 'w')
         for song in songs:
             print>>out, str(song('~basename'))

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