OK, I ran
trackerd --reindex -v 3

and, after several hours, it exited with this (I hide the name of the files
for privacy):

processing (path)/file1.dat with action TRACKER_ACTION_CHECK and counter 0
mime is text/plain for (path)/file1.dat
file extension is dat
file (path)/file1.dat is indexable
file (path)/file1.dat has fulltext 1 with service Text
Indexing (path)/file1.dat with service Text and mime text/plain (new)
service id for Text is 8 and sid is 3018584 with mime text/plain
WARNING: failed to update contents
processing (path)/file2.dat with action TRACKER_ACTION_CHECK and counter 0
mime is text/plain for (path)/file2.dat
file extension is dat
file (path)/file2.dat is indexable
file (path)/file2.dat has fulltext 1 with service Text
Indexing (path)/file2.dat with service Text and mime text/plain (new)
service id for Text is 8 and sid is 3018585 with mime text/plain
WARNING: failed to update contents
WARNING: sql query COMMIT failed because cannot commit - no transaction is
could not commit transaction
WARNING: sql query ROLLBACK failed because cannot rollback - no transaction
is active
ERROR: statement could not be finalized for SaveServiceContents with error
disk I/O error
FATAL ERROR: can't open database at
/home/user/.cache/tracker/file-contents.db: out of memory

file1.dat, file2.dat, etc form part of a set of datafiles that are
qualitatively the same. The patern described above for file1 was the same
for many files that came before file1. file2 (the one where the crash
occurs) is not special at all, is not the first or the last one in the

Hope it helps,


Could you please send me the output of
> trackerd -v 3, when it crashes.
> It would also help, if you could install the tracker-dbg package and
> generate a backtrace.
> http://wiki.debian.org/HowToGetABacktrace
> Cheers,
> Michael
> --
> Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
> universe are pointed away from Earth?

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