On Thu, 8 May 2008 08:57:20 -0300, Damián Viano <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


> > >   I attach a patch that fix most of this problems, except
> > > for the fonts dialog launched from the font buttons in the
> > > preference dialog, which I don't know how can be fixed without
> > > rewriting the handler for the click in that buttons.
> > One solution would be to use a normal GtkButton and create the font
> > dialog manually with a own click handler (i.e. re-use the code for
> > the font dialog in dialogs.c).
> > 
> > >   I'm still not too sure if adding the
> > > gdk_x11_window_move_to_current_desktop() call manually is the best
> > > way to handle it, but since I was trying if it worked I have the
> > > patch around :-)
> > 
> > So you can reproduce it?
>       Yes, I can. With fluxbox from sid (1.0.0+deb1-6), and is an
> already reported bug, and fixed in upstream git repository.

I see, tried and sucessfully reproduced with fluxbox, too.

> > Attached is a modified version of your patch which adds
> > ui_window_present() as a wrapper for gtk_window_present(). And it
> > calls gdk_x11_window_move_to_current_desktop() only when compiled
> > on systems with X to not break Windows/MacOSX support.
>       This approach was cleaner indeed, anyway is not necessary
> now. However the changes of gtk_widget_show for gtk_window_present
> might be worth to include to let the WM now that this dialogs should
> get attention, maybe? I think it makes sense.

Committed thanks, at least the Open File dialog had the
gtk_window_present () call long time ago but then somehow it got
replaced by gtk_widget_show () ;-).

>       My only question is: was Brandon using fluxbox also or is
> this same bug is present in other window managers? Brandon, could you
> comment?

Yeah, feedback would be great. Maybe Brandon used an older version of
Gnome/Metacity as it also had this bug in the past.


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