Bill Allombert wrote:
> > I didn't add trigger support for menu-methods files. It would probably
> > be possible to add that, but since there are not a lot of them, it
> > didn't seem worthwhile at this point. Packages with menu-methods can run
> > update-menus as usual.
> What would be the cost to add /etc/menu-methods to debian/triggers ?
> Do conffiles release triggers ?
> There are about 55 menu-methods.

The issue is that menu-methods files are currently shipped
non-executable and made executable to enable them in the postinst,
followed by an update-menus run. If update-menus is triggered before the
postinst (which can happen with a trigger), it would still need to be
run manually once the postinst chmods the menu-methods file.

> > So there's a stage 2 to this transition -- once stable has a dpkg that
> > supports triggers, packages can stop running update-menus in their
> > maintainer scripts. (Unless they have a menu method.) Installation of
> > such a package will look like this:
> Personnaly, I would prefer to delay the stage 2 after the release of
> lenny. This way partial upgrades are not broken (i.e. menu version is
> kept at etch, but some packages are upgraded to lenny).
> Also, there are pending menu transitions I like to finish before staring
> a new one.

Yes, as I said, stage 2 needs to happen after stable has a version of
dpkg (and menu) that supports triggers.

see shy jo

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