Felipe Augusto van de Wiel (faw) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb am 17.05.2008, 
01:11 Uhr:
>       It fixes some UTF-8 breakage, as you are using Lenny, I
> can build a pre-package of 3.0.62 so you can test and see if it
> solves your problem, is it OK for you?
sure, would be perfect.
>       I'm not sure if the new version is OK, but I think so,
> as I said, if you can test it, I can send you an URL for the
> 3.0.62 packages, if that solves your problem then I can upload
> it to the archive closing this bug. Just let me know if you
> are interested.
ok, let's try
> > 2) made an .ged export from my 3.0.50.-2 database, converted the .ged
> > file to UTF-8, opened a new blank database (UTF-8) and read the .ged
> > file. Unfortunately the result was exactly the same: I could open the
> > database by 'llines test', hit 'b', choosed '1! --> crash.
>       Can you send me the command you used to do the conversion?
I did it in vim:
vi test2.ged
:set fileencoding   --> answer was latin-1
:set encoding       --> answer was UTF-8
:set fileencoding=UTF-8
:set fileencoding=  --> answer was UTF-8

> > 3) created a brand new database,
>       OK, so let's try to go step-by-step on this one.
>       llines -> /tmp/llines-test -> y
> >    - enter first person -ok
>       a -> p
>       I'm using vim and en_US.UTF-8 as locale, you were using
> de_DE.UTF-8 when you reported the bug, please, keep using it
> and if it fails again, try with en_US.UTF-8 so we can see if
> l10n has any guilt on this.
> 0 INDI
> 1 NAME Felipe/Wiel
> 1 SEX M
> 1 BIRT
>   2 DATE 19 DEC 1982
>   2 PLAC
> 1 DEAT
>   2 DATE
>   2 PLAC
> 1 SOUR
>       And then I said 'y' to add this person to the database.
> >    - enter second person -ok
>       n
> 0 INDI
> 1 NAME Girlname/Girlsurname
> 1 SEX F
> 1 BIRT
>   2 DATE 15 MAY 1983
>   2 PLAC
> 1 DEAT
>   2 DATE
>   2 PLAC
> 1 SOUR
>       And then I said 'y' to add this person to the database.
that's exactly what I did (except, that 'y' is 'j' in the german

> >    - try to make second person spouse of first person -> 'failure in
> >      memory access' (program stops)
>       Now, what steps did follow to try to marriage them?

           llines test2
           b -> 2 (as long as they are not linked to each 
                  other I can choose them)
           h -> 1
           leads to a few seconds without response and then 
           the programm stops saying 
              message: 11: memory access error
              create memory excerpt[y/n]?
> > 4) as it was obviously not possible to marry the two persons ;-) in
> > lifelines, I did it manually by editing the .ged file as follows:
> > 
> >  ....
>       I copied your database from item 4, I created a new
> database (llines-test2) in the same way I did for one, and
> then I read the database (u->r->filename->y) and b->1 didn't
> crash, I could see first PERSON married with second PERSON.
crazy that is exactly what I'doing, but without success...
>       OK, so, we have three things to look out.
> a) If 3.0.62 solves your problems with encoding.

ok, I will try
> b) Find out what steps you used to try to "marry" person 1 and 2
see above (b-2-h-1)

> c) Find out why the database you created crashed with you but not
>    with me
ok, so first step would be to try 3.0.62 if that fails, we'll have a
look at l10n.
> > BTW: I also tried all this with a ISO-8859-1 encoded database (by
> > hitting 'u' --> 'o' and typing "codeset=ISO-8859-1" (without the
> > quotation marks :-)), but it was all the same.
>       Why you didn't use u->c ?  

I simply didn't know that :-) (was a mixture of what I knew from former
versions and what was in the manual)

> BTW, can you seed what
> are the options in your u->c screen?

sure (of course the german output, I'll put the translation to the
   Länderspezifische Einstellungen (1/19)  -> country specific settings
     │  >Interne Zeichentabelle: UTF-8    -> internal charset. UTF-8
     │   Internes UTF-8: Ja               -> internal UTF-8: yes
     │   Nationale Einstellungen aktiviert. 
               -> national settings enabled
     │   NLS (Unterstützung nat. Sprachen) ist aktiviert.
               -> NLS is anabled
     │   LocaleDir (default): /usr/share/locale
               -> no translation for this :-)
     │   LocaleDir (override):
     │   bind_textdomain_codeset: UTF-8
     │   iconv (Ländereinstellungen) sind aktiviert.
               -> iconv (country settings) enabled
     │   Sortiereinstellungen beim Start: de_DE.UTF-8
               -> sort oder when starting: de_DE.UTF-8
     │   Nachrichteneinstellungen beim Start: de_DE.UTF-8
               -> messages when starting: de_DE.UTF-8
     │   Gegenwärtige Sortiereinstellungen: de_DE.UTF-8
               -> current sort order: de_DE.UTF-8
     │   Gegenwärtige Nachrichteneinstellungen: de_DE.UTF-8
               -> current message setting: de_DE.UTF-8
     │   Vergleichsroutine: strcmp
               -> routne for comparison: strcmp
     │   Ländereinstellung GUI: UTF-8
               -> country setting GUI: UTF-8
     │   Ländereinstellung Editor: UTF-8
                -> country setting editor: UTF-8
     │   Ländereinstellung Reporte: UTF-8
                -> country setting Reports: UTF-8
     │   GEDCOM Ländereinstellung: UTF-8
                -> GEDCOM country setting: UTF-8
     │   TTPATH: /home/ulrich/LifeLines/tt
     │   UTF-8 Zeichenklassifikationen nicht geladen   
                UTF-8 character classification not loaded
> > Hope that helps a little bit.
> > Ulrich
>       Yes, it does. We are moving forward, but I still
> need to try to figure out what happened with your scenario
> to crash that bad.
>       I'm reducing the severity of the bug to 'important'
> because it does not crash in all scenarios and cases and
> I'm adding a moreinfo tag to record that we are working
> together to try to determine what's going on. :)



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