tag 480597 unreproducible

I think that it was not a good idea to remove unreproducible
tag from the bug.

I haven't found  any  way  of  running  fbsetbg  with  error
occurring.  Yes,  if  there  is  not  present  some  utility
(time/echo/date) then the error will be outputted  to  pipe,
but   this   error   will    be    a    part    of    random

It will work even in case when 2 of 3 utilities  are  absent
(that can't be in reality) Make *retitle bug* to 'my way  of
fbsetbg optimizing' ;) or give a way of using  fbsetbg  with
which the error will appear.  While you are thinking  I  set
unreproducible tag :)                              

PS: Of course I would write it this way: 

dd if=/dev/urandom bs=100 count=1 2>&1|cksum... 

but for our case in my opinion it's enougth jus one variable


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