On Thu, 15 May 2008 00:09:25 +0000, Colin Turner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> Hi Enrico,
> Enrico Tröger wrote:
> >> Geany does not detect a format for debian/rules files, which
> >> unfortunately means if you have configured to use spaces rather
> >> than tabs, and don't explicitly tell it you are dealing with a
> >> makefile, it mangles things by using spaces rather than tabs. It
> >> would be nice
> > 
> > this happens also when the file was recognized as a Makefile. But
> > can simply change the indent type per file with Document->Indent
> > Type->Tabs.
> > Maybe this get improved in the future to force Tab indentation for
> > Makefiles.
> I just checked and you are quite correct, I had conned myself into
> thinking it was smarter than this for make files. Yes, it would be
> better if this was forced for such files.

Since SVN r2596, Geany forces using tabs for indentation in Makefiles.
Additionally, the automatic replacing tabs by spaces when saving files
option has no effect on Makefiles.


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