Le mercredi 21 mai 2008 21:14:05 maximilian attems, vous avez écrit :
> Version: 2.6.25-1
> no longer the case and it even boots fine! :)


Just wondering (as user)...

Isn't the gcc-4.3 mandatory for all packages in Lenny (so as well for the 
kernel) ? So why not enabling it per default as soon as possible (at least on 
arches where it builds...) ?

$ apt-cache showsrc linux-image-2.6.25-2-amd64 | grep gcc
Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 4.1.0), module-init-tools, dpkg-dev (>= 1.10.23), 
sparc-utils [sparc], kernel-package (>= 10.063), python, gcc-4.1 [alpha amd64 
arm armel hppa i386 ia64 mips mipsel powerpc s390 sparc], binutils-hppa64 
[hppa], gcc-4.1-hppa64 [hppa], gcc-3.3 [m68k]
Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 4.1.0), module-init-tools, dpkg-dev (>= 1.10.23), 
sparc-utils [sparc], kernel-package (>= 10.063), python, gcc-4.1 [alpha amd64 
arm armel hppa i386 ia64 mips mipsel powerpc s390 sparc], binutils-hppa64 
[hppa], gcc-4.1-hppa64 [hppa], gcc-3.3 [m68k]

Visibly, it is still gcc-4.1 for most of the architectures and event gcc-3.3 
for m68k.

Thanks for your time ! Regards, 

Didier Raboud

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