On May 27,  2:50pm, Christophe Martin wrote:
} Subject: Re: Bug#310872: zsh can't be a ksh replacement (can't trap ERR).
} Bart Schaefer a écrit :
} >
} > A possible workaround would be
} >
} >     (( $signals[(I)ERR] )) || alias -g ERR=ZERR
} But, If i keep zsh as ksh
} I have to rewrite every script to put this workaround in.

No, you just have to put the above in /etc/zshenv, which is read by all
instances of zsh, whether script or interactive.

} So, for this particular problem of trap ERR, there are only problems
} in using zsh as a ksh

That's not the only incompatibility, by a long shot.  Don't try scripts
using namerefs or discipline functions, for example.

} (By the way, what are the platform with OS
} SIGERR ? And do some ksh run on them ?)

UNICOS, according to the Zsh FAQ.  I have no idea whether ksh has been
ported to that.

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