This one time, at band camp, Paolo said:
> On Mon, Jun 02, 2008 at 04:06:34AM +0100, Stephen Gran wrote:
> ...
> > Well, there's the problem.  freshclam can't possibly retrieve what your
> > webserver isn't serving,
> nope, pls read the original report: there's no such daily-*.diff nor daily.cvd
> in clamav's directory. There is a daily.cvd symlink, but is dead, since the
> file it points to doesn't exist. 
> Freshclam makes a 'daily.cld' from .diffs, not a 'daily.cvd'.

Ah, I see your problem now.  Please do not use freshclam to keep the web
root up to date and to fetch from the web root.  freshclam has, for
a long time, produced different output files from input, and you will
just keep running into problems if you try to do it this way.

> On the mirror, freshclam log say:
> Reading CVD header (daily.cvd): OK
> Downloading daily-7314.cdiff [*]
> Downloading daily-7315.cdiff [*]
> daily.cld updated (version: 7315, sigs: 72575, f-level: 26, builder: ccordes)
> Database updated (304409 signatures) from
> Note it's 'daily.cld'; if I symlink such daily.cld to daily.cvd I get (LAN
> client):

Yes, just like for a while it made directories and,
that were also usesless to the downstream client.  Granted, you could
turn those off (and IIRC you can turn off the conversion to .cld by the
same mechanism now, although I might be wrong).

> Downloading daily.cvd [100%]
> ERROR: Verification: MD5 verification error

Yes, well, it is a different file - no surprises there.

> nope, that's *main.cvd* and that's still fine. So far at least - dunno if 
> freshclam will mangle it one day as well.

Presumably, in the same way that it used to produce

> > > the possibility to miss some (new) stuff to
> > 
> > Can't you just make /var/lib/clamav your document root for a virtual
> > host?  I don't know boa, so that's an honest question - I'm a happy
> of course, provided freshclam accepts 'DatabaseMirror host:port', or
> I can setup eth0:0 another address or ... etc etc - though basically I
> see it like a lack of (basic) feature in freshclam.

It could be argued that lack of NameBased virthosting in your webserver
is a lack of a feature :).

> > So far, this sounds like 'not a bug', but I'll wait for confirmation
> > before closing it.
> daily.cvd is missing from clamav's dB dir on the mirror, the web server isn't
> the culprit here.

The methods used to retrieve it look like they are, however.

|   ,''`.                                            Stephen Gran |
|  : :' :                                        [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
|  `. `'                        Debian user, admin, and developer |
|    `-                            |

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