On Sun, Jun 29, 2008 at 01:41:27AM +1000, Trent W. Buck wrote:
> The behaviour I'd expect ("least suprise") is for the locale-specific
> papersize to be used *unless* the user supplies a stylesheet
> (--stylesheet or --stylesheet-path) that sets the paper size.
> Can the stylesheet (template?) abstain from specifying a papersize?

According to the OpenDocument spec, fo:page-height and fo:page-width are
indeed optional [15.2.1].  When a document without a paper size is
opened in OpenOffice.org, it seems to infer it from the locale settings
(de_AT generates A4-sized documents while C gives Letter).  I guess it
would be elegant if rst2odt could choose the dimensions using paperconf
(or pick Letter as a last resort, if paperconf isn’t present) when those
attributes are not given in the stylesheet.

Dave, the downside for you is that manual tweaking of the default
styles.odt will be necessary whenever you change something.  A small
script could help here.

Michael Schutte <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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