Folkert van Heusden wrote:
Package: network-manager
Version: 0.6.6-2
Severity: normal

cannot start vpn from commandline via network-manager

I've got a vpn configured in network-manager. I can successfully start
it from the network-manager gui.
Now I would like to have it automatically started as soon as
/etc/network/if-up.d/somescript is started.
So what I do from that script is:
su - folkert -c '/usr/local/sbin/NetworkManager.startvpn'
where the /usr/local/sbin/NetworkManager.startvpn is just a python
script that does:
interface.activateVPNConnection() etc. (if you're interested, the script
can be found here: )
Now from what the comments tell me it only works with gutsy, not with
feisty ubuntu. Now I checked but gutsy has an older network-manager than
debian testing. Maybe some patch in ubuntu fixed it? I skimmed through
their patch-list but could not find a relevant vpn-related fix.

You can only activate a NM vpn connection, if another NM, non-vpn connection is active, i.e. NM is in the online state.

You can't activate a NM vpn connection, if the the underlying connection e.g. is setup vi /etc/network/interfaces, simple as that.
Is this, what you are trying to do?


Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

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